Anglican Mainstream: “My son and I were in the middle of the streets being looted from 10 pm to 3 am” Rev Paul Perkin

From Anglican Mainstream.

Scary stuff regarding the recent riots in London, England.

Rev Paul Perkin, rector of St Mark’s Battersea Rise, watched his parish being looted from end to end

He writes: “My son and I were in the middle of the streets being looted from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. The police abdicated responsibility.  It was open season for looting.

The police seemed to have no idea what to do. They set up lines but were like a disoriented army in battle which did not know where the frontline was.  The lines were neither containing nor defending any territory.All the looters did was to keep a few yards distance or move a street away while the police stood and watched.

I have never seen anything like it.  We were in the middle of a battle against property. The place was like a bomb scene.

There was no violence against people. There was no indignation against police brutality. This was not an angry mob – indeed for some there was almost a carnival-like atmosphere. What was truly terrifying was the complete absence of law and order – this was truly a society without law. There was no breaking into houses. It was petty criminality by looting thieves.

Read it all.

Lest you think we have progressed over the years. This is evil at work and lawlessness at its finest, a grim reminder of the human condition and living in a fallen world. This is what happens when humans utterly reject God or even ignore him. This is also where the atheist delusion and argument against the existence of God and the rationality of human beings is exposed for what it is–a farce and a sham. If we are so sophisticated, advanced, and reasonable, why this mayhem and chaos? Why this evil? Why have we not outgrown it? This cannot be explained away as simply a lack of knowledge or understanding or reason.

But, thankfully, God has overcome the world in the death and resurrection of Jesus. As we await the ultimate fulfillment of the promise of New Creation, Christians are called to allow God to use us to bring Christ’s love to bear where we can so as to be reminded of the hope and promise of New Creation that we see in Christ’s resurrection.
