Christian Today: Christians Bid Final Farewell to Uncle John

More on John Stott’s Funeral.

There were moments of poignant reflection but also much laughter and thanksgiving at the funeral of John Stott today.

All Souls Langham Place, Stott’s beloved church in London, was filled to capacity with friends, relatives and many others who did not know him personally, yet had in some way been touched by his preaching and more than 50 books.

The queue of Christians waiting to enter the church prior to the start of the service stretched to a block away.

One Christian waiting in line said of Stott: “He was a very, very special person. I wanted to be here for this.”

There was heartfelt sadness at the passing of a much loved teacher and friend, but the tone of the service was joyous as All Souls conductor Noel Tredinnick led the congregation with typical enthusiasm in hymns such as Crown Him with Many Crowns and Thine Be the Glory.

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