God’s Revelation and Human Knowledge

Although God’s revelation is final and complete in Christ, this does not mean that it is exhaustive. In Christ God has revealed all of himself that it is possible for him to reveal through human flesh, and all that it is his pleasure to reveal to man in this age. But we do not mean that we now know everything. On the contrary, there are many indications in the New Testament itself that our knowledge, though immeasurably increased in Christ, is still strictly limited. Did not Christ say that he himself was ignorant of the day of his return (Mk. 13:32), and later add that it was not for us to know (Acts 1:7)? Did not the great apostle Paul liken his understanding to that of a child’s and his sight to the reflections of a mirror, and add that our knowledge now is imperfect and partial (1 Cor. 13:9-12)? Did not the saintly, philosophical St John concede with regard to the next life that ‘it doth not yet appear what we shall be’ (1 Jn 3:2)? Let Moses have the last word in this matter. ‘The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us’ (Dt. 29:29).

–Dr. John R.W. Stott, Fundamentalism and Evangelism