Mark Galli: Holy Incarnation!

A thought-provoking and provocative article from Christianity Today editor, Mark Galli. Christians (and others) have always struggled with the idea of the homoousios, the Greek word that means “same substance.” It was used at the Council of Nicea to describe the one nature shared by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What do you think? Has Galli honored Jesus’ humanity and divinity? Don’t let his graphic description of Jesus’ humanity get in the way of his overall thesis about the scandal of the Incarnation.

But is it possible to tarnish the image of God any more than he has already tarnished it? To put it another way, if we’re anxious to protect the reputation of the holy, infinite, immutable, and all powerful YHWH, we probably should stop talking about the Incarnation. The Incarnation means that the transcendent God took on mutable flesh; pure Spirit assumed a decaying body; holy divinity trafficked with sinful humanity.

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