Ed Stetzer: Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Why We should Choose Church Anyway

This is a good read for anyone who has wondered why bother going to church. See what you think.

So how does Miller find intimacy with God? He continues:

The answer came to me recently and it was a freeing revelation. I connect with God by working. I literally feel an intimacy with God when I build my company. I know it sounds crazy, but I believe God gave me my mission and my team and I feel closest to him when I’ve got my hand on the plow.

A few years ago, I was at a similar place. I had been the interim pastor at a church of 9,000 members. I loved the church, the people were great, but I just showed up on Sunday and preached. I lacked community with them.

Then I was done serving at that church and was suddenly an attendee and not the pastor. I, too, found I don’t get much out of sermons, even the good ones. Honestly, there is not much new content I learn at church. Finally, I am easily distracted and the slow pace of sermons lets my mind wander, so I’d rather read a good sermon than listen to one.

So, I could’ve just stayed home.

But, I didn’t. And neither should you. Church is more than sermons and music, it’s community, mission, ordinances, and so much more.

Our church involvement is not just anticipated (1 Corinthians 12:27), but commanded (Hebrews 10:25).

I took some time over the last few days thinking over the issues Miller raised. The more I think on it, the more I see his comments are worth noting, but not emulating. Here are three reasons I found for attending (and committing to) a local church and why I think you (and Don) should.

You see, the church is where you experience the love of God, support God’s people, and accomplish God’s mission.

Read it all.