Fox News: Reunions Remain Poignant for Dwindling Number of WWII Veterans

This is sad to read. I lost my dad 9 years ago and am glad he shared some of his stories with me. If you have a surviving WWII veteran, take some time and talk with them before death silences their voices. Thank you for your service to our country, young veterans—both past and present. God bless you.

When Young came home from the war, more than 70 years ago, there were 16 million veterans like him — young Last Reunions_Chamsoldiers, sailors and Marines who returned to work, raise families, build lives. Over the decades, children grew up, married, had children of their own; careers were built and faded into retirement; love affairs followed the path from the altar to the homestead and often, sadly, to the graveyard.

Through it all, the veterans would occasionally get together to remember the greatest formative experience of their lives. But as the years wore on, there were fewer and fewer of them. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, just a little over 1 million remain. The ones who remain are in their 80s and 90s, and many are infirm or fragile.

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