‘Social Justice’ Apart from Evangelization Drives Youth Away from Christianity, Says New Study

As I have said countless times, why would others believe our story when many Christians themselves sadly don’t? This study also suggests why it is critically important for Christian groups to have a vital presence on the Internet, but of course only if we really believe our story! It really is time for Christians to be bold for the gospel and that can’t happen unless we know what the gospel is and really believe it to be true.

The study found that ages 14-17 were the decisive years for those who “embraced unbelief.” While many atheists were able to argue their position from what they considered to be “exclusively rational reasons,” at the same time the decision to abandon belief for many arose from a “deeply emotional” experience such as childhood abuse.

Young atheists [also] said that the internet factored heavily into their abandonment of the faith, mentioning videos they had watched on YouTube or website forums they had visited.

Taunton said that the study left a “lasting impression” on his ministry. “These students were, above all else, idealists who longed for authenticity, and having failed to find it in their churches, they settled for a non-belief that, while less grand in its promises, felt more genuine and attainable.” [Emphasis mine]

Read it all.