Obama Vows to ‘Bring Justice’ to Killers in US Embassy Attack in Libya

From Fox News.

Those who knew Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and the others killed expressed shock and grief Wednesday at the tragedy, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Obama and Clinton both condemned the killers, while stressing that the U.S. bond with the Libyan government would not suffer as a result.

“Make no mistake. We will work with the Libyan government to bring justice to killers who attack our people,” Obama said, adding:  “There is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None.”

Read and reflect on it all.

I wholeheartedly agree with the president on this one. Once again, militant Islam rears its ugly head and demonstrates that it is a blight on all humanity. Civilized people do not engage in this kind of behavior. Period. It is to be strongly condemned and the light must be shone on these murderous hate-mongers so that people see them for what they are and duly condemn their actions.

These militants are also a blight on anyone who professes to be a Muslim. To be sure, every religion has its lunatics, along with the secularists and atheists. It is the plight of the human condition. But instances like this happen way too often for anyone to dismiss them as anomalous to Islam. Any faith that fosters and does not work to end this kind of behavior can never be taken seriously by any reasonable person. And for those who claim that militant Islam is not a threat to the West, you had better wake up and smell the gunpowder because given half a chance, these fanatics would gladly bring their party to your front door, figuratively and literally. That this happened on 9/11 is likely no coincidence.

As those of us who call ourselves Christian, in addition to praying for the families of the innocent victims who were murdered, we must also pray that God will turn the dark heart of their murderers so that they repent of their wickedness and turn to the Lord to be saved. This is seemingly an impossible thing, but with God all things are possible. We may find this kind of praying distasteful but our Lord commands us to pray like this nevertheless. Doing so does not negate our desire to see these murderers brought to justice. Rather, it signals our desire for all people to have a saving, healthy, and vital relationship with the living God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to become the truly human beings God created us to be. May it be so, even for these murderers.