Mark Galli: What Faith Is: Accepting Conditions

From Christianity Today online. Another stellar piece by Mr. Galli.

Most of those problems touch on the justice of God, and one of the most troubling questions is: How can God punish people eternally for sins committed in a finite life? I make no claim to be able to “solve” this problem, any more than the early church theologians could “explain” how exactly Jesus could be human and divine. But it doesn’t hurt to try to put this in a biblical, and, I would say, a realistic perspective. It begins by accepting conditions.

Read it all and reflect on it.

My reflection below dovetails nicely off Mark’s concept of accepting conditions. When you become a disciple of Jesus you accept his conditions for living and the main condition is to get busy and allow him to use you to help him bring about his promised New Creation. That means loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself. Sounds like a plan to me.