CT: Can’t Get No Satisfaction

From Christianity Today.

Work that is unproductive, food and drink that don’t fill or quench, money that doesn’t last. The Israelites, to quote a much later poet, can’t get no satisfaction. God tells them that life is a treadmill of diminishing returns because they have neglected the temple, and the only way to enjoy the sort of productive, satisfying existence he intends for them is to spend time in that holy place once more.

An excellent and insightful article. Read it all.

One thought on “CT: Can’t Get No Satisfaction

  1. Yes, good. My addiction is the next bigger, faster, higher roller coaster at Cedar Point! That’s what actually popped into my head as I read!!
    The part about the Israelites not rebuilding the temple when they should have reminded me of when Tim and I were looking for a house for buying our first house. When we weren’t successful at first, we (finally) searched Scripture. It told us to take care of the Lord’s house. We then realized we were behind on our tithe. After that we found, with the help of our realtor, the “right” house, very quickly!

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