John Stott on Revelation

‘Revelation’ describes the initiative God took to unveil or disclose himself.  It is a humbling word.  It presupposes that in his infinite perfections God is altogether beyond the reach of our finite minds.  Our mind cannot penetrate his mind.  We have no ability to read his thoughts.  Indeed, his thoughts are as much higher than our thoughts as the heavens are higher than the earth (Is. 55:9).  Consequently, we would know nothing about God if he had not chosen to make himself known.  Without revelation we would not be Christians at all but Athenians, and all the world’s altars would be inscribed ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD’ (Acts 17:23).  But we believe God has revealed himself, not only in the glory and order of the created universe, but supremely in Jesus Christ his incarnate Word, and in the written Word which bears a comprehensive and variegated witness to him.

The Contemporary  Christian