Richard Foster: Simplicity, Fidelity, Service

The vows of simplicity, fidelity, and service are for all Christians at all times. They are categorical imperatives for obedient followers of the obedient Christ. They are the beginning point from which we explore the depths of the spiritual life and discover our mission in the world.

The vows prod us into seeking a deeper spiritual life. We turn our backs on the superficiality of modern culture and plunge into the depths by making use of the classical disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, guidance, and celebration. We help each other move forward in the spiritual life by encouraging those who advance and by comforting those who stumble.
The vows call us to a vigorous social witness. We stand in contradiction to the dominant culture, which has given its soul to the vows of greed, permissiveness, and selfishness. We critique the empty values of contemporary society, and call it to joyful discipleship to Christ.

The vows call us to evangelism and mission-mindedness. They are not ideals that we keep to ourselves and retreat into our cloistered homes to enjoy; they are to be freely shared with all who confess Christ as Lord and King. We have an obligation to win the nations and all peoples of the earth in anticipation of that day when “every knee should bow… and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God, the Father” (Phil. 2:1011).

–Richard J. Foster, Money, Sex and Power