The Mighty and the Weak

All too readily we say: Why the suffering of the world, why the pain of the innocent, why hunger, why war? We should do better to say: We rich nations have sucked the blood of the poor, and now we wonder why there are starving babies in Brazil. You, mighty nation bent on extending your influence, sell guns and tanks to poor nations and then say: Poor nations have no idea how to live and let live. What would the world be like if the mighty and the weak began respecting one another, began respecting human beings, and above all began helping one another? What would happen if we became, or tried to become, brothers? Earth would be a paradise, suffering would be immeasurably reduced.
I am certain that the mighty mountain of universal suffering afflicting us on earth is due first and foremost to human sin, to our violence, pride, lust, selfishness and greed.
Let me be plain: the immense catastrophes of war, social struggle, tribal clashes, famine, ecological imbalance, and so on are due to our disobeying the clear and simple laws of God, nature and life. And that is no small thing.

–Carlo Carretto, Why, O Lord?