The Christian Classics Ethereal Library: A Great Resource

The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is an excellent resource if you are interested in seeing what some of the greatest Christian minds in history have to say about various topics related to the faith. Why should you care? Because it is important for Christians today to see that others have wrestled with weighty questions of the faith just like we do. It is important to understand that the faith does not require us to check our brains at the door. To the contrary, it demands that we use all of our God-given talents as we seek to remain faithful to God and his teachings.

I am thinking of the recent interview with Bill Maher I watched on The O’Reilly Factor the other night (Part 1 here and Part 2 here). Maher is clearly contemptuous of Christians, but like most critics, he distorts the facts and uses half-truths to make his points. Frankly, O’Reilly did a very poor job in refuting Maher, primarily because it was obvious O’Reilly was not well versed in OT Scripture nor did he appear to understand the function and purpose of the Law in ancient Israel. Maher and his ilk need our fervent prayers because they are lost souls and no one should wish their eternal separation from God. But we also need to be familiar with arguments like his so that we can respond clearly to them without vitriol or malice.

The CCEL  also has a new feature called Big Questions. Below are some samples and links to the corresponding resources.

What is the nature and purpose of prayer?

What is the Trinity?

Do yourself a favor and check it out. You can also access it by clicking on its link in the Links section in sidebar of this blog.