Quenching Your Thirst

Listen to my words. You are going to hear something that must be said. You quench your soul’s thirst with drafts of the divine fountain. The Lord himself, our God Jesus Christ, is the fountain of life, and accordingly he invites us to himself as to a fountain, that we may drink.  May we drink him with the fullness of desire, and may we take pleasure in his sweetness and savor. For the Lord is sweet and agreeable; rightly then let us eat and drink of him yet remain ever hungry and thirsty, since he is our food and drink. It is right that we must always long for, seek and love the Word of God on high, the fountain of wisdom. If you thirst, drink of the fountain of life; if you are hungry, eat the bread of life.

–Columbanus, Celtic Abbot (d. 615), Instruction 13, on Christ the Fount of Life, 1-2