Did the Spirit Really Say…?

A fine and thought-provoking article from Christianity Today.

This is not something we talk about much, especially in the chattering classes—writers, speakers, professors, public intellectuals, and so forth. And as mature adults—some of us quite mature in years, anyway—we certainly don’t like to admit that peer pressure can sway us as much as it does adolescents. But as Paul Froese and Christopher Bader note in their new book America’s Four Gods:  What We Say about God—and What That Says about Us, a strong belief in God’s involvement in the world is a distinctive of evangelical theology and practice. We believe that Christ is alive in the Spirit, and that we are in a personal relationship with a God who is actively guiding and shaping our lives. So I suspect that most of us have to wrestle with, and often repent about, such matters.

Read the whole thing.