God’s Power and Light

And Friends, though you may have tasted of the power and been convinced and have felt the light [of God], yet afterwards you may feel winter storms, tempests, and hail, and be frozen, in frost and cold and a wilderness and temptations. Be patient and still in the power and still in the light that doth convince you, to keep your minds to God; in that be quiet, that you may come to the summer, that your flight be not in the winter. For by the power and by the light you will come to see through and feel over winter storms, tempests, and all coldness, barrenness, emptyness. And the same light and power will gove over the tempter’s head. In power and light you will see God revealing his secrets, inspiring, and his gifts coming unto you, through which your hearts will be filled with God’s love.

—George Fox, Journal

Here we see another example of faith manifesting itself in action, this time in the form of patience and perseverance in prayer during our dark nights of the soul or what Fox refers to as “winter storms.” Why pray and persevere in it if you do not believe in its efficacy or in God’s power or willingness to act? Faith always manifests itself in works.

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