From the Pen of Justyn Terry

One of my theology professors at Trinity School for Ministry and its current Dean and President, the Very Rev’d Dr. Justyn Terry, has produced two pamphlets titled, Forgiveness, Purpose and Hope Through the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Faith, Hope and Love. Justyn is an outstanding theologian and an even better teacher, one of the best I have ever had. He explains why he wrote these two tracts:

“Forgiveness, Purpose and Hope through the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ,” is designed for personal evangelism and includes the sinner’s prayer. The second is the sequel: “Faith, Hope and Love: Starting to live the Christian Life.” Both are now available on the Trinity web site ( You are welcome to amend them to make them your own, but please use your own name and e-mail address if you do! “Faith, Hope and Love” is about getting connected to the Church, being baptized, and starting out on the Christian way. It includes the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments, so it lays the foundation for on-going catechesis. The idea is that it can be given to someone who responds to the call of Christ in a personal conversation or during an ‘altar call’ in church.

Both are quite good and I encourage you to check them out and use them.