Augustine Talks About Heaven

St. John writes, “Most beloved, we are now children of God but what we shall be is not all that clear. We do know that on some future day we shall become like God [in the resurrection of the body]. We shall see the Lord as he truly is.” Thus, there is being prepared for us a surprise that is simply beyond our imagining. At present we get some vague hint but like seeing an enigma’s reflection in a darkened mirror. No one could ever describe in a word the sweetness and the beauty of the gift that our Lord is preparing for those who care about him and hope in him. What in the world can this gift be? Nothing else than to be like the angels and truly see! For the first time we shall see the Lord our God!

Commentary on Psalm 36.2.8

Notice the humility and anticipation in Augustine’s description of heaven. And why not? If God is really this awesome God of the universe, how can we possibly imagine how wonderful heaven is and will be for us. Augustine had an appropriate description of heaven (seeing God) that was based on a deep and abiding faith in God.

How’s your vision of heaven? Is it adequate like Augustine’s or made in your own image?