More From Ben Witherington

Dr. Witherington has posted on his blog the second installment of his series titled, The Gospel of Jesus.


Miryam had sensed at once something was amiss when Jesus barely touched his supper. He was far too preoccupied and was not his normal jovial, joyful self. He seemed distant, reserved tonight as he said the Kaddesh prayer before he broke the bread as the head of the family. Could it have been the news about John that caused this change? She must ask him later. The evening had passed quietly, and Jesus had helped with putting the youngest two girls to bed, singing psalms with them until they fell asleep.

Afterwards, Miryam approached Jesus, holding a small lit hand lamp, and said “let us go out into the courtyard, so I can listen to what is on your heart.” Jesus sighed a sigh of relief. His mother had always been able to sense his moods, and he realized that this night, rather than in the morning the opportunity had arisen to have their talk. Walking away from the house the two sat down on the other side of the olive press.

Check it out.