Image of Boozing Jesus Christ Upsets Christians

From Fox News:

Christians in India’s northeast are outraged after a picture showing Jesus Christ holding a beer can and a cigarette was discovered in primary school textbooks. The image appeared in a handwriting book for children in church-run schools in the Christian-majority state of Meghalaya, where it was used to illustrate the letter “I” for the word “Idol”. “We are deeply shocked and hurt at the objectionable portrayal of Jesus Christ in the school book. We condemn the total lack of respect for religions by the publisher,” Shillong diocese Archbishop Dominic Jala told AFP.

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This is where some Christians get confused. On the one hand we are told to be humble and meek, and have charity toward others. True enough. But nowhere are we told to be doormats. The appropriate Christian response to abuses like this should be outrage, but always tempered with charity and a lack of malice toward the perpetrators. The enemies of the cross are to be pitied because they have cut themselves off from the Source and Author of all life and this is a truly grievous thing.

Christian charity does not demand that we allow ourselves to be abused, however. Our Lord Jesus certainly can fend for himself but we need to make it clear to others that it is not OK to offend us—in whatever form that may occur—anymore than it is OK for us to offend others.