Teenagers Unfriend Facebook for Lent

From the Columbus Dispatch:

It was only Ash Wednesday, and Kirby McKenna had already been tempted three times. The 17-year-old went to the Facebook home page, but she couldn’t log on. Her mom, at her request, had changed her password. Kirby gave up Facebook for Lent. For a teenager, this is about the same as giving up oxygen or water. But she will be brave. “There was life before Facebook,” she said, “even if I can’t remember it.” Joining Kirby in her sacrifice are friends Isabel Gaitan, 17, and Ben Heigel, 17. All live in Dublin and attend St. Brigid of Kildare Catholic Church. All are seniors in high school; Kirby goes to Dublin Jerome, and Ben and Isabel attend Bishop Watterson. “I’m literally on (Facebook) 24/7,” Ben said. “So I kind of wanted to challenge myself this year.” “Lent is all about sacrifice,” Isabel said. “Granted, I don’t really need Facebook. But it’s a sacrifice.” ” Big sacrifice,” Kirby added.

Read it all.

Here is a test for you. What is your reaction to this story? How you react will tell you a lot about how you see yourself before God.

One thought on “Teenagers Unfriend Facebook for Lent

  1. Giving up FB would be a big sacrifice for some people, even some adults! I knew a college student who gave up FB for Lent last year. I thought that was admirable. I once gave up playing Nintendo for Lent, because I realized it was wasting my time. I don’t remember if I had another activity, such as praying, that I did instead of playing the Nintendo. I probably just did what I should have been doing in the first place and had been neglecting.

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