Augustine on Faith and Pride

How will you be able to lift up your heart to God? Does your heart not need first to be healed before you can come to see God? Are you not revealing your pride when you cry out, “First let me see and then I will be healed”?

—Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 39, 21

3 thoughts on “Augustine on Faith and Pride

  1. I guess I didn’t which sentence was most important. Also, it’s a little hard to understand what “First let me see…” means. I took it to mean, ‘I believe God exists’. You say it is wanting the proof of His existence.

  2. Don’t disagree, but you seem to miss the second clause of his final sentence. That’s the referent. Folks who desire proof of God, by whatever standard they establish, will not get what they demand. Proof of God follows faith, but it is not an empirical proof. Some will find that wholly unsatisfactory because they are children of the Enlightenment and use its prism to judge everything else. But who died and made Enlightenment thinking king?

  3. Don’t we have to lift our heart to God in order to ask to be healed? I would not call it pride; I would call it beseeching Him.

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