A Prayer for Mothers’ Day 2017 (2)

Mothers’ Day Prayer
Leader: On this Mothers’ Day we give thanks to God for the divine gift of motherhood.

Let us pray for and honor all the mothers among us today.

For our own mothers, those living and those who have died.
Lord of life and creation, in your mercy
All hear our prayer.

For the mothers who loved us and for those who fell short of loving us fully.
Lord of life and creation, in your mercy
All hear our prayer.

For all who hope to be mothers someday and for those whose hopes to have children have been frustrated.
Lord of life and creation, in your mercy
All hear our prayer.

For all mothers who have lost children.
Lord of life and creation, in your mercy
All hear our prayer.

For those who have been our substitute mothers and for those among us who have done so for others in need.
Lord of life and creation, in your mercy
All hear our prayer.

We give you our thanks and ask this all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All Amen.