Study: Porn Use Can Lead to Divorce

June 9, 2014 ( – The use of pornography in marriage can lead to a higher chance of divorce, a new study has found.

Analyzing data from the General Social Survey,  the researchers found that porn users are more open to marital infidelity, the leading cause of divorce in the United States. They published their findings in the April issue of Psychology of Popular Media Culture

The General Social Survey asked 551 married couples whether or not they had viewed a pornographic video in the last year.  The couples were then asked about their views on extra-marital relations.  The results showed a connection between the pornography viewers and those with sympathetic attitudes towards marital infidelity.

“If pornography consumption leads to more positive extramarital sex attitudes as the results of the panels suggest, pornography consumption may be a contributing factor in some divorces via extramarital sex behavior,” the study states.

Researchers have found an abundance of evidence indicating the detrimental effects of pornography on individuals and society. One study found that viewing pornography leads to a weakened sex drive, while another discovered that porn addiction distorts the brain the same way alcohol and drugs do.

Read it all and pay attention. Other studies have found that porn is more addictive than crack cocaine.

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