Halee Gray Scott: A Real Cause for Christian Outrage

Christians today are massacred on a far greater scale than from any edict issued from Herod. According to Open Doors, which provides support for Christians around the world, Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world today, with 100 people martyred for their faith each month. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life reports that Christians suffer persecution, discrimination, and harassment in 133 countries—a full two-thirds of all countries worldwide.

…For goodness sake, we have British politicians talking about this, but we can’t get American pastors or politicians to talk about it. Instead, Christians want to whine and moan about the culture wars and tear each other down, treating each other as the enemy rather than focusing on the real enemy. It’s insidious. And morally reprehensible.

These martyrs were real, living, breathing human beings with hopes, dreams, and loved ones. Each and every one was, at one time, someone’s baby. They could all be my babies. Or yours.

Read and reflect on the whole awful story. The first thing we Christians can do is start offering massive doses of prayer for the persecuted Church worldwide.